Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Yesterday became a good day. Aaron I traveled to Brookside, visited the community center and the church - both were busy with activity for the National Day of Service.
The community Center had $50,000 of renovations completed, this was more then just a little paint. The center was beautiful Then we got to the church and a woman from Northview had organized in conjunction with Obama, for Brookside to be a site for the National Day of service - there were about 45 people serving - the clothing pantry was being organized, one of the bathrooms was painted, the food pantry was stocked - they worked their tails off. What a wonderful way to celebrate MKLJr. Day - I hope that we continue to serve in this manner.
It was such an excellent reminder to me, after a slow morning - that there is still work to be done right here and now. One conversation I had with a good Friend at Brookside, who does work with the food pantry, talked about how he would try each week to empty the shelves - he goal is to send all the food home to those in need. The first weekend he did this, the women that also work in the pantry were filled with fear and apprehension - the What ifs sneaked in ... But much to their surprise, although the shelves had been empty on Sunday, by mid week there was more food then we had room for. The pantry continues to flourish, mostly because one guy was not interested in limiting God, but allowed God to work - like only God can.

Which brings me to my Joel reading today - one real life experience of how God works in abundance ... coupled with this teaching - watch out 2009!
Crowned With Abundance
Today's Scripture
"You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance" (Psalm 65:11, NLT).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Do you see this year as being crowned with a bountiful harvest? Notice, God didn´t say He would crown with a "barely-get-by" harvest or a "just-let-me-survive" harvest. No, He blesses His people with an overflow harvest. Even the hard places overflow with abundance. Our attitude should be "2009 is going to be a great year. I can already sense it! Favor is coming my way. Blessings, good ideas, promotions already have my name on them!" As long as you stay faithful and keep sowing good seeds, eventually that harvest will find its way into your hands. Do your part to make sure you are ready to receive at the right time. Make sure you aren´t holding on to negative mindsets, mediocrity, disobedience, sin, fear, or anything that would hold you back or keep you from God´s best. I encourage you today to take inventory of your thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Ask the Lord to show you any area of your life that needs adjusting. As you keep an open and humble heart before the Him and diligently follow His commands, you will receive the bountiful harvest He has in store for you.
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for Your peace, joy, and provision. I trust You today knowing that You have good things planned for me this year. Search my heart and know me so that I can live a life that is pleasing to You. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.

I am planning for abundance in 2009 - I refuse to limit God or myself. Lord keep my head and my heart focused on you. Today, I do have a DR visit, to see how I am healing physically and mentally - I know that with God, the appointment will be just fine. Prayers welcomed @ 2pm.




As a friend of mine would say...."prayers activated"!!!

Sheri said...

You continue to be in my prayers and it inspires me to read your blog filled with such optimism and faith. Keep it going! Love and dimes!