Today in God Calling I read about Faith.
Over the months, Faith has kept me moving forward and in this devotion I begin to understand HOW and WHY - and pray that it will continue:
Pray daily for Faith. It is My Gift.
It is your only requisite for the accomplishments of mighty deeds. Certainly you have to work, you have to pray, but upon Faith alone depends the answer to your prayers - your works.
I give it you in response to your prayer, because it is the necessary weapon for you to possess for the dispersion of evil - the overwhelming of all adverse conditions, and the accomplishment of all good in your lives, and then you having Faith, give it back to Me. It is the envelope in which every request to Me should be placed.
And yet "Faith without works is dead." So you need works too, to feed your Faith in Me. As you seek to do, you feel your helplessness. You then turn to Me. In knowing Me, your faith grows - and that faith is all you need for My Power to work.
Last night at our Life Group gathering we shared our Goals for 2009, very typical for starting a new year .... here are mine:
- Be Still. Work to hear the call the Lord has on my life now. I have been trying to rush into what I should be "doing" right now - and I need to allow the Holy Spirit to work in me before anything is determined.
- Be a more Thoughtful Friend - the last few weeks I have seen a new level of friendship and I know that I can do better.
- Refrigerator Rites, this goes along with my friends - continue to build community and experience life with our Life Group and Friends.
(Refrigerator Rites: the ability to go into someones fridge w/o permission and take the last diet coke, or whatever - because you know them that well)
I pray to be intentional about these areas, and please pray for the rest of the group that they will also be intentional about their goals for the year.
Finally, I have a dear friend that decided to go to church today, she was moved during the service Tuesday for Jeremy - so please life this family in your prayers that they will not just visit but feel the tug of Jesus at their hearts and be forever changed. PRAISE GOD!!!!
I know I am your sister...but you do know you have fridge rights here? Right?
Love you so much.
Listen...I know that is hard. But the Lord's voice can sometimes be quiet and other times loud. You just need to listen. Father Bill's sermon was about Hope, Faith, and finding your way to help the community (the Community of Christ). Hmmm...after this week I think the Lord is speaking loudly. :)
Peace and Hope!
You have fridge rights at our house, you just might not find anything in there except some lettuce and milk. :) We're praying for that family! ;)
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