Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2 hour delay!

Is it wrong that when the school district that I taught in for 12 years is on a 2 hour delay, I decide my day should be on a 2 hour delay?
Old habits die hard:)

Similar to my reading today, I have hit the part in Numbers where the Israelites are coming to the end of their 40 years of wandering - and they continue to complain to Moses and Aaron. God had been so good to them, took them out of Egypt, out of slavery, provided manna, then meat (quail), taught the people how to worship and live together after being slaves for hundreds of years .... and all they could do was complain and ask why didn't they just remain in Egypt to die.

It seems the Israelites were in the "habit" of complaining. Things get tough, they complain - they completely forget the many blessings that had been poured over them. Agian, I am thankful for the reminder, that even when life seems tough, we have already been delivered - and we can trust that God will continue to deliver us.
While I do not know the future - I can stand on the promises of Our Lord, that he has a good plan for me. I do not know the physical path, again I can trust that He will be with me. I also stand on the promise that He will DO what He promises.

Joel helped me see this today as well ....
What Defines Your Future?
Today's Scripture "You will also declare a thing, and it shall be established ... " (Job 22:28, NKJ)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
In the Old Testament there was an Israelite woman who was about to give birth. She had just heard that the Ark of the Covenant that housed God's presence had been stolen. She was so upset about it that she named her baby boy Ichabod, which means "the glory has departed." Notice what she did; she named her future by what was happening in her present. She could just have easily named him "the glory will return," but she was so focused on the negative, so caught up in where she was at that moment that she defined her future by it.
Friend, don't ever name your future by your present day circumstances. You may have had some hard times in the past, but get that "Ichabod" spirit off of you. It may look like you're stuck in a rut and you don't really see how you could ever rise any higher, but don't speak defeat over your life. Instead, name your future: blessed, prosperous, successful, victorious, healthy, whole, strong, talented, creative, wise. Declare what God's word says so that you can move forward in the destiny He has prepared for you!
A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, thank You for the good future that You have prepared for me. Today, I choose to come into agreement with Your Word and declare Your blessing over my life. Keep me close to You as I surrender every area of my life to You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

The word is Good! And alive - everyday the Lord is preparing me for something GREAT:)

Tonight, at Brookside Community Church we are starting the second round of "the Brookside Adventure", our membership course. The course has 3 phases, we will have 2 groups - phase 1 and phase 2. Aaron and I will be teaching Phase 1 together. FUN! In the Fall we will add the 3rd phase - It is so exciting to see how God is growing His people. :)


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