Thursday, May 14, 2009


My reading today ... 
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me."  Isaiah 6:8

I daily ask to be obedient to how the Lord desires to use me. I pray for continued obedience, a faithful trust that HE indeed has a good and perfect plan -  my part is to be willing and move out when told. This continues to be a struggle for me. I am remain compartmentalized. Some areas that I have given complete and total control to God, then others I am holding on quite tight - but my grip is loosening. 

my prayer:
Lord, I will GO, I will DO - I am prepared and equipped by you to do the good works you have prepared for me in advance. With your loving hand you have moved me, placed me in a new position. You have created in me a new heart - a new will and a new desire. Lord light me on FIRE for YOU. Thank you Lord for your clarity and the opening of my ears and heart to recognize Your hand in my life. Continue to loosen my grip on areas that you desire to control. Thank you for your patience with me - thank you for your continued pursuit of me fully as your child. 
 In your son's precious name, Jesus. AMEN.


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