Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

Today is Labor Day ... this is the first time in many many years that I am not in the gym preparing for a volleyball match (as a coach or player) I am not really clear on what to do ... do I sit and do nothing or do some hard labor in my yard? I suppose the weather will be the determining factor for me.

Regardless ... I felt lead to share my reading today
"If you remain in me and my words remain in you ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."John 15:7-8

God says that if we REMAIN in Him and let His words REMAIN in us, we can ask Him whatever we want and He will answer. REALLY, well yes ... sorta. We do not always get exactly what we think we want, it means that because we are entwined with Christ - we receive His mind and learn how to pray for what He desires for us.
The second part of the scripture talks about the Fathers glory ... it is in His glory that we bear much fruit. As we bear fruit, we display or show that we are His disciples.

I have been carrying around a pad of paper, in preparation for a talk that I will be giving. While I am quite intimidated at the nature of the talk, I am certain that I am not the focus. The focus of the talk is Our Father. So even though I say it is not about me ... it is remarkable as I jot down thoughts and ideas how easy it is to bring the focus to me. My focus is to use whatever parts of my story that bring Glory to God, I pray for clarity and discernment. Remaining in HIM!

Have a blessed Labor Day!


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